A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new avatar. A Nice God Knew I Need A Best Friend So He Gave Me My Son His Dad Vintage Shirt air bender named Aang Edit: spelling errors because quarantine has melted my brain I’m going to go with confidence. A little self-confidence and assurance can go a long way at getting you through life, and help you through a lot of situations. But too much confidence can make someone a serious asshole. I think the problem isn’t so much the strength of the confidence as the location. I find I get better results when I place my confidence in my ability to learn or solve a problem rather than my actual skills in the matter at hand. It makes me quicker to listen which makes me more tolerable to the people around me. I put some pizza rolls in the toaster oven, then looked them up in MyFitnessPall. Evidently a serving size is 6, not the full 32 that I can fit onto my toaster oven tray. I just had an 1100 calorie lunch. Nostalgia/ looking on the past.
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RIGHT? I was thinking that memories can be a double-edged sword. Kinda makes me think of Nice God Knew I Need A Best Friend So He Gave Me My Son His Dad Vintage Shirt that mirror in Harry Potter. Memories can be so inaccurate too and you could find yourself fixating something that was never that great in the first place. Exes are a great example. I’ve been sober for 7 years. There’s always that moment when it all goes from fun to hellish, but we never see it coming or even recognize it for what it is when it happens. So true. I’m addicted to my phone(I’m talking about 10 hours a day in general, from 6 hours to 12 hours or even 14 hours some days, mainly Reddit/YouTube/video games) and I’ve been battling against this addiction for months now. The thing is, it has been going on for years. I don’t even know when it started. When you don’t know you’re addicted to something, it’s awful. It destroys your life and you don’t realize it. And then you try to fight it, but it’s too late. You can’t do anything now.
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You can use the Nice God Knew I Need A Best Friend So He Gave Me My Son His Dad Vintage Shirt internet as a living, make new friends, and making otherwise difficult things way easier. But the moment enough people don’t agree with what you say, they can even ruin your life beyond the screen. Any sort of alcoholic beverage is at least half water (if not more). Basically, they’re always there to support you during times of hardship. They’ll support you, comfort you, give you a shoulder to cry on, etc. Spirituality/religion. It can be massively beneficial to humans on both an individual and collective level, providing hope to the hopeless and guidance to those who otherwise lack it. It can also be (and has often been) a driving factor in some of the worst interactions humans can have with one another, again on both personal and societal levels.
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