Kind Redditor, fear not. I’m only lauding the Nice Get To The Chopper Shirt perfectly logical decision to wait until the bitter end to employ the theretofore demonstrably sure way to defeat the Kaiju and save humanity. There’s an in-universe explanation for that. Live in the mountains in NC, USA. I went to the dump a week ago and as I’m pulling in one of these choppers lifts off like 100 yards away from behind some trees. It flew off to do this for some power lines I guess. It was pretty badass to see up close like that. I guess they refueled over there. The guy at the dump said they’d been going back and forth all day.
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The guy at the Nice Get To The Chopper Shirt dump knows all. He probably drives a minivan. JP Morgan just bought the power company in my hometown and privatized it. Oh, construction paper scissors. I used to dream of owning construction paper scissors. Why in my day, we had to climb the utility poles, hang from the live wires and lick the hedges back to a reasonable growth with our tongues. Utility pole? Holy fancy, we had to take turns holding up the wire, one to hold the wire, one to keep the wolves at bay, was wild times you youngins will never know about.
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These systems not only reduce the Nice Get To The Chopper Shirt amount of work-related injuries suffered by trimming crews as they clamber up and down tree trunks, but it also better protects more of the power transmission system from shorts, reduces the environmental impact of these maintenance efforts (one guy in a helicopter vs 10 guys in two trucks plus support vehicles), and clears more lines for a fraction of the price of conventional methods. That’s the bigger issue really. Most places don’t have wildfires as a big issue like CA does. Its FAC-003 compliance. Fun stuff. Part of the northeast blackout of 2003 was due to trees making contact with lines. Mix that with some computer failures and lack of communication and wham. That’s why we have all these compliance rules today.
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