Wait a Nice Blue Lives Matter Lrish Shirt minute…was it really this crowded? How the fuck did so many people get there? I can’t imagine that many people packed so closely. I’m honestly stunned. I want to be there, side-by-side with my friends supporting this cause and making a difference. Then there’s the super spreader theory and I’m sure there are unintentional super-spreaders in these large crowds. We have about another week to two to really see the effects of these protests on their health and me mmmm nervous. Going out and protesting is not the only thing you can do to effect change friend! You can sign petitions, donate, email your local reps, register to vote, stay informed, have uncomfortable conversations with your friends and family, etc.
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My point is, we all have our lanes, you don’t HAVE to be in this specific one. Just get in one, and keep your foot on the Nice Blue Lives Matter Lrish Shirt gas Yeah I totally understand. I have really bad allergy-induced asthma, to the point where I have had to be hospitalized because I couldn’t breathe. That paired with coronavirus in allergy season means definite hospital time for me at the very least. Even though I protested with BLM back in 2014/2015, it feels like I’m missing out on being a part of history and a part of the solution to the problem I marched to help fight back then. I’m assuming since the vast majority of these protesters are young most will be asymptotic. The best we can hope for is they are smart about this when they go back home after protesting.
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Had a 55-year-old come in a Nice Blue Lives Matter Lrish Shirt week ago? no pre-existing conditions.. just COVID.. with submassive pulmonary embolisms due to hypercoagulable state due to COVID. now on multiple pressors.. and paralyzed on the vent. I seriously get anxious these days when seeing a lot of people in the same place. I was there! Yes, it was that crowded. Parking was actually not that bad (it’s a Sunday and most places are closed) I peed before we left the house. But if someone needed to…it’s Hollywood blvd so….well…I’m sure the streets have seen worse. the irony is without the pandemic it’s likely this wouldn’t be happening, at least not to this scale. the unrest and sheer amount of people with free time is probably a major catalyst for this level of the uprising.
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