So they attached the Nice Ballet Shark Ten Du Du Du Du Du Du Vintage Shirt ankle to where the knee was? I didn’t know that was a thing. Still amazing work and impressive lady. IKR? Someone at some point had to have the idea of “hmmm…if I just turned this 180 degrees and stuck it here…” I watched up until the show became a 1950s noir detective show. It had come pretty close to jumping the shark before that, but it definitely did after. Archer 1999 was great I think. TaloCrural for up and down(Dorsi/plantarflex), Sub Talar for eversion/inversion, and the tarsal joint for abduction/adduction. All movements are linked, meaning you cannot isolate one motion with voluntary movements. The knee is a hinge joint.
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Archer dreamland is better to binge-watch, instead of Nice Ballet Shark Ten Du Du Du Du Du Du Vintage Shirt waiting weekly. And danger island had its moments. Truly insane. I’m wondering how they preserve those veins and nerves. Do they just cut and reattach them or do they literally keep them attached as shown in the animation. It would be great to find out. I’m pretty confident they literally keep them attached. They definitely don’t cut the nerves. That’s crazy. If I were to imagine cutting a big chunk of meat on a bone and have to make sure I keep 3 pieces of string intact.. well it just seems extraordinarily difficult and precise. Props to surgeons for being able to pull that off.I’m not a doctor at all, but it’s all a matter of nerves and muscles. I believe the doctors simply “Connect“ those “wires“ to the comparable nerves in the ankle joint. Just like if you take the electric wires from One motor and attach it to another. It is just sending the signal.
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I’m not a Nice Ballet Shark Ten Du Du Du Du Du Du Vintage Shirt doctor, but I believe those are nerves, which they don’t sever in order to preserve functionality in the ankle. This is a procedure that was invented to keep athletes in their sport of choice. Good question! I would love to hear from a medical expert on the specifics. Yeah, I’m doing mental gymnastics here too. Is she now flexing her ankle to bend at the knee? Does she have to rewire her coordination to pull her ankle up in order to bend her knee back? How confusing would that be to coordinate that with the other leg? It’s like rubbing your belly while patting your head…I presume it’s more the quad muscles being used now. When you move your ankle, you’re using your shin and calf muscles. So the experience is totally different.
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