Clean after every practice shooting. NCOs used to test our rifle’s dirt with their hands and spread it to our faces if dirt exists in it. I guess it helped us learning it very well. You know it already but a Nice Abe Lincoln George Washington Squad Goals Vintage Shirt gun is loaded even if it is not loaded.I’m generally against owning weapons, but I’m seriously considering buying an AR-15 for protection. I have owned my AR15 for three years. I think one of the biggest misconceptions about guns/their owners is that they are just hobbies or toys, like that the only people who carry are people who also like hunting. In three years my gun has been out of the case may be four times, to train a little bit and then put it back.
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Just so you know, it is still a felony even if you buy it from a private seller. It just lets you dodge the background check, it doesn’t make it not a Nice Abe Lincoln George Washington Squad Goals Vintage Shirt crime for you to possess a firearm. Just make sure you make a fully informed decision. The issue of police brutality and totalitarianism is only the beginning of the issues causing this anarchy-like situation. We are going to have to fix so many problems that have sat and festered in this country that it may be too much for one generation’s lifetime. Even if it won’t directly affect us, these are issues we have to fix if we care for the future generations. We can’t be like those before us who ignored these issues because it wouldn’t be worth their time. We will be, in effect, the custodians of America. They are doing a terrible job of deescalating the situation, they should be marching with the protesters
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That’s exactly what they want because a Nice Abe Lincoln George Washington Squad Goals Vintage Shirt show of force to put down nationwide riots would give them the freedom to abuse more, and worse than prior. They want us to rise up so they can knock us down and put us in our place. This is exactly what will happen when a trained para-military force responds to a civilian attack. Some will die, lots will be maimed or injured, and the status quo shall remain. Why? Because that’s exactly what the people in charge paid for. People are already dying. It hopefully won’t come to that, but it looks like a peaceful revolution has become impossible. I honestly wonder if they have a clue about what they have actually started here. Once these tips over, there will be no stopping it and they have to know that. There is something big at play here. There has to be. The armed public is starting to march with protesters.
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