This job was meant for jaded New Kershaw 22 Champion 2020 Shirt douchebags like me. I get that it sounds like a horrible job. But this seems like a janitor suing his former company for making him work with what did you think would happen? I’m wondering if moderators could exit out of the video as soon as it reaches that category of bad and report it. Or if they’d have to watch it all. Can somebody explains what the feeling is seeing this stuff? all I get is disgust as if looking at sewage when it’s gore, what’s it supposed to be like? Sometimes I get the cringe for eye stuff cant look at.
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That but it’s not traumatizing, just icky. Am I just New Kershaw 22 Champion 2020 Shirts at reading my own emotions srsly tho what is trauma? Maybe they should try 4chan? Surely, they were aware of going into a job with such a title that they’d be doing things like that. And if for some reason they didn’t know before, they’d have known almost immediately upon starting. I dunno, I think Google’s use of contractors is for a number of reasons, but this isn’t one of them. This is the job. If you don’t like it, there are plenty of other jobs.
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