Quantum phenomena are aware of your desire for chocolate, and want nothing more than to see that desire fulfilled, or not. It’s rather hard to tell sometimes… He’s having trouble topping his Nay Sayers Gonna Nay Horse Glasses Vintage Retro Shirt becoming so good. Every woman is an instrument that needs to be played right. The first book wasn’t too bad, it was basically “gritty” Hogwarts. Sure there was a lot of Mary Sue “I’m the best at everything” wankery, and some pretty flimsy characters, but the story and the setting were enough to keep me interested. The second book, eh… let’s just say I’m glad I read it at a library and didn’t buy a copy. It really ratcheted up the Mary Sue-ness of the main character.
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For being an author’s first book, I’m willing to say the first book was good, probably even great. Not earth-shattering or anything, but well above par and with a lot of really cool ideas kicking around. That was a pretty amazing read through. At least from a Nay Sayers Gonna Nay Horse Glasses Vintage Retro Shirt. After failing to advance the plot in any meaningful way he stopped writing seriously and just started having a wank. Honestly, I think mankind is going to go extinct before Star Citizen even half 1/4 of the content they claim they are going to put it in. Those idiots over there can not, or will not, see that they have been tricked and are just throwing good money away that could be put into, you know, GOOD games.
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Ones that exist fully and are not going to be a huge scam. Dunno why but I always enjoy a bit of Star citizen drama. As an outsider this game does seem like a bit of a scam, some people have spent an insane amount of money on in-game ships. And stuff and game is no closer to release then it was couple years ago. At this point, I don’t know if I want it to fail completely or for it to finally release. So all the guys that spent their money get a Nay Sayers Gonna Nay Horse Glasses Vintage Retro Shirt. But is so bad that it never takes off. And the player base is composed solely of the people who spent too much money to give up on it”. I’ve read that game already kinda caters to whales, which I feel is never a good idea for any game.
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Nice T-shirt, I'm glad of that