Fuckin congrats dude looks amazing – also beautiful Mr Sean Connery Never Say Never Again Shirt house! I highly recommend you and your girl to watch the movie The Halloween Tree, it’s the one animated Halloween movie that I feel captures the essence of it tJWs are one of the weirder religions. Most of the time everyone who is a believer and a good person goes to the good afterlife. Not with JWs though. There are only 100,000 spots for every single person who’s ever lived and ever will live. Oh, you guys noticed that’s a ridiculously low amount? How about Jehovah just called me and upped it to 400k?
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Oh yeah, he developed some more Mr Sean Connery Never Say Never Again Shirts space in the afterlife but he still absolutely hates any possible thing that could make you happy so don’t get too comfortable. It’s one of the closest religions to maltheism as I’ve seen. e most. Have fun!! They think 140k-ish are going to heaven and a few mills get earth paradise, so I guess eff the rest of us? They don’t tell you until you’ve “studied” with them for a while that God is going to commit genocide in like a hot minute. see everyone saying they are happy for you, but I am ecstatic for you!!! Holidays can be great fun and give you some really great memories. Have a lovely holiday season friend. It’s gonna be amazing!!!
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