He and his foundation are a great example May Every Great Auntie Says The F Word Floral Shirt of what it really means to support the troops. Contrast that with certain companies who roll out a special product line with “profits help wounded soldiers” plastered all over. Aan dodge did that Green challenger “for the wounded warrior project“… And none of the proceeds went to it IIRC. Like, they weren’t even claiming to. Just like here, support the troops with this challenger that has a cool special sticker on it? And then you find out they ultimately donated 0.1% of profits to a “non-profit” organization. That has a suspicious number of extravagantly catered parties meetings and a CEO with a nearly seven-figure salary…
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Gary Sinise is the real deal. Can personally vouch May Every Great Auntie Says The F Word Floral Shirts for 1 single instance of the Wounded Warrior Project actually helping someone. Except they actually spent none of the foundations’ money to do it! They worked with a local Hot Rod shop to modify a Chevelle with a wheelchair ramp,. Everything was donated by the Hot Rod shop. But they sure did have lots of Made in China T-Shirts that were certainly not printed at the local Vet-Owned T-Shirt shop. Pretty sad when you can see the “Made in China” on the boxes as they pull the T-shirts out to stock the booth at the car show.
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