I do not understand why we comply with his orders. He and his administration flagrantly disregard congressional commands for action and disclosure. Every day he is rubbing shit in our faces When are we going to May Birthday 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Coronavirus Shirt to stop obeying him. He fires that guy? So what. The guy stays put. Is Trump going to call the military? Trump couldn’t refrain from grifting from his own children’s cancer charity. Given free rein over $2t of funds with no oversight, what do you think is going to happen? We are fucked. If you tell me it would be unconstitutional to defy presidential authority I tell you we have no choice.
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The administration is openly breaking the May Birthday 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Coronavirus Shirt law, legal and constitutional methods are no longer suitable to deal with a threat this serious. Its time for civil disobedience on a massive scale. We have to do it this in the fall once the virus clears or we will lose our democracy come November. The election will not save us, the supreme court will not save us, congress will not save us. Its time. I’m so fucking done with this country. I don’t feel like I have a future here. I’m gonna vote in November and get every single person I know to do so as well, but who knows if there’ll even be an election, nevermind a fair one.
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Are you freakin’ kidding me? This most-corrupt-President-ever con man with access to May Birthday 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Coronavirus Shirt $2 trillion? Hell the fuck no. Got a canned response back. I just tried to call him. His aid said she would “have to get the facts first”. Unbelievable. Yeah good luck with that. Wow, I hope the people that voted for him feel properly duped. He is using taxpayer money to make himself rich. Ideas for civil disobedience are in order. Now. We may not be able to gather, but we can organize online. There are some smart tech-savvy folks out there. Use your frustration…what can we do?
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