Not sure if he would have coasted, but he would have had a very real Lovely Rock-A-Bye Beasley Shirt. By being the worst president ever, he united the people for the most part. Except for that 30%. They are in their own little world, it seems. They are in their own insane alternate reality. I have family members in the crazy place and they terrify me. The numbers are truly staggering. This time last election 10,000 people had voted. Compared to one million now. But. It is still may not be enough. We have a long October and unprecedented cheating left to endure. A profoundly helpless, nightmarish sort of day. And I’m a Canadian.
Lovely Rock-A-Bye Beasley Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie

You must get out and vote. Vote early, and vote in the Lovely Rock-A-Bye Beasley Shirts. And at the same time, you need to convince everyone you know to get out and vote early and vote in person. And convince them to convince everyone THEY know to get out and vote early and vote in person. Remember that, because of the profound of the electoral college, Republicans could, in the worst-case scenario, win just 24% of the popular vote and still win the election. And on top of that they are desperate and the election to a degree we have not seen before. One month to go. Wake up every morning and focus on this as if the fate of the entire country depending.
Other Products: Nice Meowy Catmas Christmas Shirt
It fits as expected. The logo is a pretty good size for the shirt. No complaints and would recommend