It’s not the fall that will kill you it’s the Lovely Fishing Sorry I Missed Your Call I Was On My Other Line Shirt. So if you keep falling your fine … In orbit. Nobody can convince me this dude doesn’t jack off to The Handmaiden’s Tale. Who is Mike Pence if not the political class lmao? One brain cell Mikey! Yeah! Only the best people! Pence showing oos’ Good Boy to the Tobacco lobby. Also a reminder there is no return. Mike Pence looks like his head used to be smaller and then someone overstuffed it with botox or helium or something. In 2001 I feel that’s strangely the most glaring issue. This isn’t from 60 years ago it’s from less than 20 this statement can’t legally drink in Indian.
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Crazy how people can write that kind of the Lovely Fishing Sorry I Missed Your Call I Was On My Other Line Shirts. Why is it so incredibly difficult to just listen to experts’ opinions? If you have hundreds of independent studies come to the same conclusion and a couple that comes to the opposite, you are supposed to go with the majority not with whichever you like better. Well, I suppose there wasn’t much research on this back in the. It’s Mr. Jackass in person. Cigarettes don’t kill people. People kill themselves. More people in DC agree with Pence than these comments.
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