My view is it shouldn’t make you ineligible Love Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt. I worry about the government determining who’s eligible in future elections. It’s a slippery slope to let the party in power decide stuff like this. But I do think tax returns and financial history going back at least 10 years should be revealed to the public by law to let the American people decide. Once you pass the multi-million mark, this no longer applies. I’m a strong backer of a new law that bans celebrities from running for office. Or any position that can use their popularity to win. Ah yes, anyone with a mortgage or car payment should not be allowed to be president.
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Two requirements for president. 35+ and natural-born citizen Love Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirts, That’s it. Except that’s not what anyone is saying. There is a difference between the debt Trump is in. And the debt normal people take. Normal people pay their debts, Trump avoids it. But some debt can’t be avoided so he pays it with political favors. It’s not that hard to piece together. I think he knows he has to lose money as president not only due to conflict. Of interest in general basically removing him from his brand. But also because he knows if people thought he was doing deals that would benefit his businesses a lot then he could be impeached and it could go through.
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