The I Can’t Mask My Excitement Of Being Your Bus Driver School Bus Shirt chump change given to the public and small businesses is nothing compared to the trillions that large corporations are getting. And those ppl are getting loan forgiveness unconditionally too, while small businesses need to promise no layoffs to get them, as just one example. And don’t let anyone tell you that the allowed those things in the bill because otherwise, they wouldn’t get the good things listed above to pass either, they had no opposition to the slush funds for large corporations, just wanted a bit more “managed” slush fund, the slush fund is still there, while the management would be after the fact, so just record keeping.
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The I Can’t Mask My Excitement Of Being Your Bus Driver School Bus Shirt Democrats have just made some ineffectual grandstanding like they always do. They have thrown just enough change toward the pitchforks to keep them at bay, just like they always do. This may help people get through this crisis (not, and even if they get their checks, it might come as late as after 4 months, while the corporate overlords are getting their liquidity now), but there’s nothing to be proud of here. Nothing’s gonna change in the cycle of the big getting bigger and the small getting smaller. It’s just gonna accelerate using this shit bailout.
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