The high school I Am Sorry The Nice Teacher Is On Vacation Skull American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt l gym teacher, apparently, he showed up to a hotel room expecting to bang a 13 yr old but got busted by the cops instead. Oh boy, where to start. The elementary school nurse was fired for taking the kids’ medications. HS band teacher slept with a 15 yr old. Swim coach left a hotel that he was at with his mistress drunk and killed someone with his car. My high school had like 400 students. He didn’t come to parent-teacher interview night. The next day, he was late for class and crashed his pickup into a brick sign outside the school. Cops showed up obviously and allegedly he blew twice the legal limit. He called the principal ‘a cunt’ as he was taken away.
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He got I Am Sorry The Nice Teacher Is On Vacation Skull American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt arrested driving through Nevada over the summer with 5 lbs of weed in his car that he’d bought in a California. He had no intention of telling the district and we only found out because a news reporter from the town he was arrested in contacted our superintendent for a quote on the matter. He was let go immediately. He got arrested driving through Nevada over the summer with 5 lbs of weed in his car that he’d bought in a California. He had no intention of telling the district and we only found out because a news reporter from the town he was arrested in contacted our superintendent for a quote on the matter. He was let go immediately.
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