Assuming their bodies are actually decomposing while they’re Hour Santa Autism Christmas Shirt still moving, it shouldn’t take more than a couple of weeks for zombies to rot until they can’t function anymore. Assuming they’re not rotting, a lack of food would mean they would still decay, and even if they eat other zombies, that would shrink. Even if it’s they’re not “real” zombies and are instead plague victims, then they still wouldn’t last very long on their own. Lack of real food and shelter would kill them within weeks. The biggest threat from them is the disease itself. Unless there’s magic involved, then nothing’s off the table. Decomposition of zombies could take years from a few weeks to years depending on the temperature, humidity, and a lot of other factors, and unless you have years worth of food I don’t think you can wait it out. It all depends on the place you live in.
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Yeah, I think so. This is assuming they Hour Santa Autism Christmas Shirts still follow the basic biological laws, the “undead” part notwithstanding. Eventually, the virus/parasite/fungus/whatever will run out of uninfected organisms to control, its current hosts will lack food, bathing, and the ability to disinfect/mend any wounds. So naturally, they’d just decompose eventually. It would take time and patience, but it’s a small price to pay. Edit: And of course, the flies/maggots. Maggots eat decomposing things, zombies are essentially walking banquets for them. I know that sounds gross, and it is, but it’s nature; nature’s gross. If everyone waited out coronavirus we’d be done with this already. Better believe people would be feeding the herd with their reanimated corpses on the regular. Or just blow em up with artillery if you’re an army. Also, there are so few flies and maggots in zombie movies. Then we have another problem read world war z.
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