Time stopped for me then. I heard Luke scream for Rory to get back as I pushed my ballooning body from the Hot Stitch Mask Stay Out Of My Bubble Shirt and tried to run to him. My legs felt like lead and jelly, I watched helplessly as Charlie’s eyes widened and he reached for my brother. His clawed hand latching into Rory’s downy curls. In a flash of smoke and a rustle of wings, both Charlie and Luke disappeared from the porch. Mamoru and his rowdy family left a little while later. For the first time in just over 6 months, Rory and I found ourselves truly alone.
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The next few days were filled with occasional bouts of tears from both myself and Hot Stitch Mask Stay Out Of My Bubble Shirt. I had never figured I’d miss Charlie’s sometimes overbearing presence. My new phone chirped frequently with messages from Luke of the two powerful men’s adventures into the modern world. My favorite was the message from Charlie professing his newfound love of bubble tea. I think it’s safe to say that he has no idea how much danger he is in right now.
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Even though Charlie and Luke are now free to roam, I know they’ve got their bye on you. Especially with you being due in a few weeks. Not to mention the Littles and Hot Stitch Mask Stay Out Of My Bubble Shirt who is always watching. John is going to feel pain far beyond his scope of imagination and he’ll deserve every second of it. One night, as I put Rory to bed in his very own big boy room, I heard the front door announce the arrival of a visitor with its loud creak. I hope Luke and Charlie have some speed teleport thingy. Or that at least one shrine spirit is with her.
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