This is very interesting to me and counters one of Happy Santa Skeleton On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Christmas Shirt my presumptions. When I boil crab I justify it by the fact that their brains are the same size as ants. With that few neurons, they are unlikely to be able to feel pain the same way we do. Let alone have any. Without consciousness, they are no different than a plant in my mind. Crows however have always given me conflict. They are incredibly smart and seem to exhibit what we can perceive as consciousness. If this is true the brain size may not be correlated. When the crows chose the red target (in response to seeing the light), there was a certain neural activity in their brains. This neural activity didn’t occur when they chose the blue target (in response to not seeing the light).
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What’s the significance of that neural activity Happy Santa Skeleton On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Christmas Shirts and why doesn’t it occur in the latter scenario? So the next time you suspect the crow is staring you down, contemplating whether to swoop in and peck out your eyeball… You better bail ass. After a certain point, I started playing along. Because the others sat where all chartering and hoping before they flew after their friend. Not surprised, been extremely into crows and ravens since early middle school. John Ted talks are great along with his amazing books. Trust me crows endlessly awesome!
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