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- I like to draw the design first which I used a Gelly Roll gel pen in the Chomas Creations adjustable pen holder for the Cameo 4 to draw. You can also do this with any other Silhouette machine with the Happy Grandma 14 Grandson Bond Shirt Chomas Creations adjustable pen holder for the Silhouette. In order to draw first, I send my image over to draw & turn off all the lines I don’t want to draw by highlighting them and choosing no sketch. Notice because I am drawing I select sketch and then pen. Now the “cuts” I need to make will not draw as they have Happy Grandma 14 Grandson Bond Shirt been turned off. Notice what I am drawing is a brighter thicker lined red, and anything not being sent right now is a thin line.
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- Next, I’m going to a Happy Grandma 14 Grandson Bond Shirts to select everything and set that to no sketch. Now I’m going to select cut, and I’m using the auto blade. Now the items I want to cut I highlight & click the cut option. Now the only thing being sent once again is the cut lines as you will notice they are thicker lined red. And look at that a whole sheet of Christmas tags! I added some ribbon and will use double-sided Happy Grandma 14 Grandson Bond Shirt adhesive to add these to any present or I can just tie them on the handles of any gift bag I may have! I think they add a fun personal touch! Like what you see? Leave a comment to let me know!
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