- What if they had free WIFI and some candy? Which many of us, unfortunately, have to Great Support Black People 11 Shirt shell out to get, we have to work to afford it, can’t juggle school, etc. It would be kinda nice to run back to Great Support Black People 11 Shirt my momma’s house and save up. Especially when you have to pay for it. May as well live in your parent’s basement for little to Support Black People 11 Shirt nothing. I knew people my age in my early 20s making. A year of oil money and still living at home rent-free. Save that cash and your life will be so much easier later. I’ll let my kids live at home Support Black People 11 Shirt as long as they need to assume they are doing it Support Black People 11 Shirt productively to improve their future in some way. Hey, that’s what I’m doing. Why not?! There’s a ton listed online, but you only have one basement owned by parents. Plus, I can’t depend on a stranger to bring me. It was actually pretty decent
- Depends if they have a hammock or not. Always keep your Great Support Black People 11 Shirt dignity. Cause ya can’t afford it. It puts the lotion on the skin or it pays the rent again. Did you see Dre? I heard he was locked in some stranger’s basement. I don’t want a stranger to come into my room every day and give me the look of “I’m not mad, just disappointed” every day. Not if they know about me Support Black People 11 Shirt being there I won’t. Carpe buddy. Carpe. You won Reddit today. You also snagged my idea probably years ago. The point still stands. kay so true story. I was looking for a new place to live with my GF. She found someplace near where we already live so it seemed perfect. We go to the house and it’s a really nice old lady. We got to talking as she showed us her home. This comment hit home. Don’t knock it till you try it.
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- She said if we hear her crying it’s okay because she just lost her son to Great Support Black People 11 Shirt suicide. I was a bit put off but I understood her pain as I have lost a friend to suicide. She also told us National Champions 2020 Wisconsin Badgers According To Espn’s Basketball Shirt she keeps all the doors and windows locked because she had a crazy ex-husband that tried to break in recently, and then she showed us our room. In her basement. With a camera above the bed. She explained that the camera was pointed at the large window on the opposite wall of the bed. She said the camera had to be there because. That’s where her ex tried to break in. We thanked her for showing us the house and promptly left and never contacted her again. No offense to her but that’s way too much baggage for me. Also creepy as. I have done this, it was built to be an entirely separate unit, the only ‘shared space’ was a storage/laundry room.
- At one point, I decided to live out of my car until I could find a job. I’m now living in Great Support Black People 11 Shirt the oceanfront property in LA doing my past dream job. I’d rather have failed by myself and live on the streets than go back to the people who sheltered me from the world. Preferring homelessness over a home with family probably says a lot about me tho. Not by choice, no. So if I call you a stranger, you’ll finally leave the house. Why not? I lived in a stranger’s trailer, not too terribly odd. Why don’t you just get yourself a house? I bought my first place when I was 19 and while we had a nice house I would go crazy living at my parent’s place. It’s actually pretty nice down here although I hate sharing my food with the rats. Not by choice. Are these the same kids rioting and looting in the streets? But they come with free Wi-Fi. Dude, you rock you just solved this crisis. Let’s all shift over one house that we are in someone else’s parents’ basements.
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