For some reason or Good She Works Willingly With Her Handy Proverbs Shirt. my mother hated me. As a little girl, I could never understand why she treated me so much worse than my 3 other siblings. And I would often go up to my Grandmother and ask her “Why doesn’t my momma love me?” She never could give me a straight answer and would tell me “Your momma loves you in the only way she knows how…”. That answer confused me because she loved my siblings just fine (Disclaimer: Her love was toxic AF. And she did a different type of damage to my other siblings.).
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Now when I say that my mother treated me badly. It started out with her picking fights with Good She Works Willingly With Her Handy Proverbs Shirt. She would constantly nitpick at everything I did, chastising me. And at the end of the day punishing me harshly for something that could have been a gentle scolding. When I got older, she started cussing at me and calling me names. She would often ignore me for days on end. And when she would talk to me it would be to make me the butt end of a bad joke or to tell me she hated me.
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Yes, my mother looked me dead in Good She Works Willingly With Her Handy Proverbs Shirt. and told me she hated me (Disclaimer #2: She was a drug addict and alcoholic. And she loves to claim all the emotional abuse she put me through as a child was the effects of the drugs. And it “wasn’t even that bad”). It was things like that really began to tear at me after a while. All sorts of terrible things she did to me growing up, the terrible things she said, and how she ignored me constantly… All of it very different than how she treated my other three siblings.
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