Amusing comment section where people Good Randy Marsh I Thought This Was American 2020 Shirt don’t realize memes existed unconventionally before the internet. Some guy tried to point that out and got called edgy and old. Could’ve put LED lights around the edge and changed the color every time he reaches a corner, weak effort don’t know who is worse the dude who did this stupid shit or the morons who cheeredWhy do I feel like bohemian rhapsody should be playing in the background at this particular party.
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I love how this sub can either make me smile a lot Good Randy Marsh I Thought This Was American 2020 Shirts or extremely upset. Thankfully this is one of the smile postsWhy are there so many Halloween posts when it’s 4 weeks away? Nobody would be cheering if it was some nerdy Asian or Indian kids first I thought “How drunk are these people”. Then I answered myself “Yes.”There needs to be an hfy story about how weird it is that humans like this. College-aged Halloween parties are probably the best parties from when I was younger. Rock on. The physics don’t add up, — I think they were drinking alcohol !!! That guy on the bottom left corner thought it was his time to shine. Poor fella. This is funny for like 15 secs then you just look silly carrying around the cardboard.
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