It’s a really difficult thing to navigate on all sides. You’re missing the point that health inspections don’t make restaurants cleaner, they’re inherently flawed as a system. AHS denies having a secret discord. GRU was an invasion. Because we used to make fun of those people. Then the mods fucked off or got compromised and let them take over the Good I Wish A Karen Would Shirt. Nazis ruin everything. So health is based around systemically keeping places clean across a wide variety of locales. The problem? So there is zero room for nuance or contextual applications. It leads to restaurants skirting around well-intended laws that remove things guests expect from a restaurant.
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Be the strongest alliance since cereal and milk, butter and toast, Tmobile and Orange, Tea and hot water, mince, and fucking tatties couldn’t even compete. This is just the “MDE Crew” trying to get a Good I Wish A Karen Would Shirt. It’s pretty pathetic IMO. Their ‘undeniable proof’ is that someone has used the same publicly available information and images twice. Their hoax is falling apart and they’re desperate to prop it up. Keep thinking what I’m explaining doesn’t apply to whatever restaurants you go to. Spoiler, it does. Being a dweeb about it doesn’t change that. The Karen’s will be sent first to distract their leaders by demanding to see the managers. Granted, but the Karen gets outraged about the whole incident.
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And leaves a bad review on the company and tells her friends. Not to associate themselves with the company, and driving it bankrupt. UB except instead of learning what they put employees through they just deal with a bunch of cranky customers? I would watch the Good I Wish A Karen Would Shirt. The CEO is fired and lives for months in depressed isolation. The biggest proof is in the ban messages on the banned subreddits. None of the subreddits that the video accuses as being banned by AHS child porn manipulation, got banned for child porn. One day the Karen angrily comes in and demands to see the manager. The old CEO begins laughing hysterically for nearly half an hour. Yeah, these groups invent reasons to hate people.
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