But if they were from say, a Curse, then Go School Bus Kids It’s Covid Outside Christmas Shirt skeletons would be worse. Silent murderous stick-people who give off no smell, no anything. All you would hear before your demise is a gentle rattling before suddenly your neck has been crunched. That’s why zombies switched from the “undead” to people with rabies. The undead zombies, assumed and required for someone to not put much thought into it. If we’re talking actual corpse within 12 hours they’d all be smelly moaning mannequins due to rigor. However, they wouldn’t even have to be skeletons decompose enough of the flesh and muscle and you’d be good. The movie “Warm Bodies” addresses this conundrum nicely. In the movie Warm Bodies l, skeletons were way more dangerous. I mean, if you want to get technical about it… Bugs, animals, and bacteria would wipe zombies out in no time. Just give them back the amulet that you.
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Well we how would we be sure it’s not like The Last of Us where they just get worse or Resident Evil where it infects animals. Check out the movie Warm Bodies. Adorable Zombie Rom-Com, terrifying skeleton zombies that can and will kill you. What do skeletons need for college, a decomposition Go School Bus Kids It’s Covid Outside Christmas Shirts notebook? Yeah but that would mean you have to stay inside for around a couple of weeks and Americans have already shown that we can’t do that. As has been brought us by many: if we’re talking necromancy/magic-based zombies, then skeletons are much much worse in general. They would eventually stop smelling putrid after all the decaying neat fell off them, and could potentially be much quieter (unless on tile, then the clacking of bone would be easier to detect). That said, the flesh would still have contaminants on it after the zombie has decomposed into an.
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