When I was a Funny Trump Lock Him Up Orange Jumpsuit T-Shirt kid my family was asked to leave our local country club restaurant. My dad was wearing those super tight, super short 80’s shorts. The manager came over and said “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. The other guests have complained that they can see your genitals hanging out.”The modern, but slightly retro American Gothic. I love it! Should be hanging up in a gallery in Silverlake, CA.Thanks for noticing! I’ve always liked American Gothic for some reason. It was definitely an inspiration for this shot.I’m pretty sure I had this outfit for my Ken doll circa 1980, and I thought this was a doll photo/diorama for a second. You and I both. I make tasty Manhattans. And Old Fashioneds. And Margaritas. Learning how to make Daiquiris. Great jumpsuit tho I’m an old woman. I remember jumpsuits.
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Everyone is concentrating on the Funny Trump Lock Him Up Orange Jumpsuit T-Shirt bulge and completely disregarding the nipple tassels. They’re even a nipple adjacent color, in a nipple adjacent location. Well, not EVERYONE. Those nipple rings are pretty weird though. I would love to know what the designer was thinking. Honestly, it might have just been a weird 70s style. That is a show I haven’t watched. But I guess he’s not referring to how hard it is to get these on and off. Not speedy at all. This is… really something. Something somehow great. Would you consider growing a massive pornstache to accompany the suit? I’ve done the porn ‘stache. It was… something. But if I do, this jumpsuit will be ready. Good! I’m picturing you hosting a really groovy party in this! He loses his friends when the jumpsuit starts to smell. Can he wash the jumpsuit? Or does he have to throw it away?
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I just can’t describe this energy. Never much cared for the Funny Trump Lock Him Up Orange Jumpsuit T-Shirt phrase “big dick energy” but I guess this is the embodiment of it… Truly one of the best posts I’ve seen on here and I love how you classed it up with the rake and cactus super hot off-brand Ryan Reynolds. How much was this heavenly piece? It’s honestly just fun. Really, really fun, as soon as you put it on. Oh, and I picked it up at Goodwill for $5.You look like my boyfriend. No joke there, you actually, vaguely, look like my boyfriend (with a hint of Ryan Reynolds). So despite the jumpsuit, I am VERY attracted to this photo. I like your attitude! I’m a gal who also owns a stupid/awesome jumpsuit, and I def busted that sucker out at the rink. It was well-received, and yours will be too!
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