The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Funny Plants Rule Everything Around Me Shirt Trump administration cannot carry out its plan to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has allowed nearly 800,000 young people, known as “Dreamers,” to avoid deportation and remain in the U.S.The decision is a big legal defeat for President Donald Trump on the issue of immigration, which has been a major focus of his domestic agenda. The ruling said the government failed to give an adequate justification for ending the federal program, calling the move “arbitrary and capricious under the APA.”That’s what I dream of. The power of having enough money that you could just stick it all in some low-risk shit and never have to worry about anything again.
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The money he started with was already a Funny Plants Rule Everything Around Me Shirt ridiculous amount. If he just hit the index funds, he could have enough to keep a town extremely wealthy forever. I thought the deal was in exchange for a version of the Dreamers Act, providing a path of citizenship to the DACA recipients. I’d love to hear that person’s take on the story of the Good Samaritan (bearing in mind that there was a lot of racial animus between Jews and Samaritans). I mean the whole point of Jesus’ life was showing mercy to, and helping those that “don’t deserve it”. He dined with sinners. IT WAS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT!! I feel like George Costanza
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It’s such a Funny Plants Rule Everything Around Me Shirt frustrating issue because Republicans simply won’t accept legalizing the people already here. They want them all expelled. Which is impractical and cruel for the people who have lived and worked here for years. Impractical, cruel, and will actively harm the economy. Basically it was racial hatred coalesced into law, and damn the consequences. If we’re lucky, Trump’s tax returns will be ruled on for Friday and released. He’ll have a full-blown meltdown over the weekend if so. We won’t get any more decisions until Monday. even better from a state that could become blue this November, hopefully!
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