Diet sodas work best for stuff like this and the Funny Merica Fuck Yeah Happy Independence Day Shirt Mentos thing; they have higher levels of CO2 than regular soda. Can confirm. I am a Florida man and feel an unexplainable urge against all logic to imitate video. Ah not skill, luck. Did u see how many other coke bottles were laying everywhere and the ground was soaking wet from prev tries? Just stupidity and luck. I couldn’t run and catch a football thrown directly at me, much less do what was shown in OP
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Not really. But he can tell you all about how Virginity Rocks, his name is Danny Duncan, Instagram influencer. Makes more money than e should. To be honest, though all the Funny Merica Fuck Yeah Happy Independence Day Shirt money is self-made. He designed his shirts and started out by personally mailing each one. He started from nothing and it’s impressive how far he’s come to Instagram Influencer? I mean, yeah, he has an Instagram, but his main audience is on YouTube or in person at his shows. From what I’ve noticed, a lot of younger people are inspired by him to experience life in exciting ways. That justifies his income if you ask me.
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He’s the Funny Merica Fuck Yeah Happy Independence Day Shirt only channel in this category I watch because he always cleans up any mess he makes and will even film him cleaning. So does Vlog Creations (Ross) I think they actually just did a video together last week doing the same thing as this video. Definitely does some crazy shit but after he’s always really polite and kind to everyone I’d say a lot of prank YouTubers could learn a thing or two from him. I just want to point out that the original poster you are referring to is not the person on the bike, so the person you want credit to go to is someone who took a video on Youtube, turned it into a gif (or took it from someone else who did…) and posted it on Reddit for fake internet points. Ever notice Europe doesn’t have Monster Trucks… yeah, because America fucking kicks so much ass it can create events centered upon trucks that have no purpose other than to smash up old cars and sell out stadiums. You ain’t gonna find that shit in some socialist dystopia. Maybe a bullfight or some 3rd world cockfight, but you’re not gonna find any 80″ Michelins crushing clunkers outside of the states.
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