It’s so terrifying because it’s invisible. If you can see the threat you can modify your behavior to avoid or fight it. The gave that you don’t know whether you’ve been attacked and then several days or 2 weeks later you start to feel unwell is super scary. I feel like the data on this virus, the Funny Lgbt Mouth Hand Shirt changes to everyday life and the projections (totally expected deaths, the time frame this could all last, etc.) are pretty striking visuals of the threat. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case for enough people so far. It’s like…Elders to babies.
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Diseases that no longer haunt our society. And so we forget. Even now, I know a Funny Lgbt Mouth Hand Shirt guy with 8 kids who will not get the C19 vaccine when available because “the government”, his wife is freaking because their state may require it to attend school. (If they’re going to require this one, I really hope they wipe the bs exemptions for the rest) I finally said that I wouldn’t want my grandchild in the same school as his unvaccinated kids and that they have 2 choices. Vaccinate or fucking homeschool. Stop whining and pick one.
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My father had polio when he was 4. At his strongest, his right arm could do 15 curls with a Funny Lgbt Mouth Hand Shirt 5lb dumbbell. Every day of his life was dictated and driven by his various methods of overcoming the handicaps caused by polio. 67 of his 71 years on earth were a constant battle against polio and this aftermath. That disease is now all but gone from this world thanks to vaccination. Every time I see anti-vax shit online it makes me furious past the point of reason. The only way I can comprehend someone being is if they’ve never seen the alternative. If they’ve never seen someone they love destroyed by a disease that vaccines can stop. It’s even more idiotic than I’ve seen anti-vax posts saying they won’t take a vaccine for COVID-19 when it becomes available. It’s all just so fucking ignorant and pampered and fucking stupid.
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