MetaVulture you are a true wordsmith, glad you are feeling better, hope those creative juices are still cranking, this is shaping up to be an absolute classic. There will be. I have ~2 chapters written but am doing some heavy editing, and work has been stealing my Funny Field Cleats Love Life Heart Success Softball Shirt. No problem, I think I fixed those. Just the links though, not the actual title at least. I was afraid for a second my brain had been auto-correcting things that were wrong lol. I know the feeling. I’ve been reading some terribly translated wuxia lately, my brain is subconsciously fixing grammar and making things plural now. I saw some mild errors in this post. There’s a duplicated sentence towards the middle: that took me going back and rereading to pick up on.
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I love this kind of story that starts with a narrow focus and keeps introducing new elements as the scope expands. It’s way easier to get into than one that starts with a whole glossary of characters to remember. Can’t wait to see the outcome of what seems to be a rogue AI being given a factory ship cum Dreadnought. I think that has been corrected now. Thank you for the feedback – I didn’t even notice it. However, I had a Funny Field Cleats Love Life Heart Success Softball Shirt. It kept saying I was over, but Notepad++ kept saying I was fine. Eventually, I had to cut about 2k characters out of it, so the last-minute editing was not as… graceful as it could have been. I am very much enjoying how this world has built up, loving it.
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Just a little bit of constructive criticism “I had become very ill” The word you’re looking for is “Have” for at the time of writing you had become ill, and I say “had” now because I wish you the best of luck with your recovery. Now onto the story. After a moment’s hesitation, it seemed, more crackles of electricity filled the sky as clouds threatened their violence. “Violence” is a verb so clouds being objects can’t use violence. I don’t care if you’re attempting to personify a Funny Field Cleats Love Life Heart Success Softball Shirt. You should hold yourself up to professional standards in this subreddit. A radioactive soup started to pool as the ashen ground became black sludge. Their ACE 5s glistened from the deadly dirty rain.
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