East of Funny Drink Tea Read Books Be Happy Shirt, Eden. I also learned that there are people who are just straight up rotten. I think it’s chapter 3 where he describes Kate as a monster, comparing that some people are missing an arm or a leg. Kate is missing something in her mind which makes her evil. It is, and for me incredibly relevant. Not kidding I was listening to this book on Audible while my wife was pregnant. I thought I was having a panic attack when the part came up with Kathy when she was little in the barn with the two boys. Just thinking that there’s even a slight, minuscule possibility my daughter could be a manipulative, evil person like that… This has always been a personal favorite of mine. I often find myself joking with people who make an assumption, by warning them they may end up on the island of conclusions! Sadly, no one but my family seems to have heard of the book and the jump Milo took to the Island.
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There’s a wonderful documentary about the Funny Drink Tea Read Books Be Happy Shirt creation of the book, called The Phantom Tollbooth: Beyond Expectations. I really enjoyed it, especially the interviews with the author, Norton Juster, and the illustrator, Jules Pfeiffer. (They are both still with us, though both turn 91 this year!) Contact by Carl Sagan, about a radio astronomer named Ellie Arroway who discovers extraterrestrial life. (There was a movie too which is also good, but different enough that I think the book is worth reading. I feel like I still read a lot, but I don’t have obsessive favorite books like I did when I was younger that I read and reread a million times and underline favorite passages. No aliens yet though.
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I still need to read this. His death is the only celebrity death that actually made me emotional. I have not read any of Funny Drink Tea Read Books Be Happy Shirts books, but his show was the only show that my wife and I religiously watched together. We love to travel and have several times gone to places on his recommendation. I feel like I will get emotional reading the book. I used to hate Mossflower, I don’t know why, but it’s absolutely one of my favorites now. Carmina is just crazy, ruthless, and a great antagonist. I stopped keeping up with them around Pearls of Lutra though, but I love the books. Redwall, Mossflower, and Mattimeo are my favorites and they probably shine being the first three that Jacques released.
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