Yes totally. Now, teachers and I always believe my kid. Why? Cause he always owns up to stuff and apologizes. I forgot my candies and trash in a Funny Damn Right I Am A Bears Fan Now And Forever Shirt carpool 6 years ago and I still remember it. I had a roommate once that regularly failed to flush. If it was just pissing I’d get it, saving water and all, but nope he would drop a deuce and not flush it down. One worse, often there wasn’t any TP in the bowl. Did he just forget he was shitting and walk away? Would he wonder later why his ass was all crusty?!?
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Recent story. I called my doctors and left a Funny Damn Right I Am A Bears Fan Now And Forever Shirt request to have a prescription refilled on the voicemail they have for just that purpose. 3 days later I call the pharmacy to see if that prescription is available. They tell me they have not gotten it yet. I call the doctor’s office and speak to the receptionist who puts me through to the nurse. It was a dumb mistake and that she would get the PA to do it right away. Who are the guys who spit out their chewing gum into urinals? I see this all the time at work and I work in a high-end corporate place. Do they think it dissolves and goes down the pipe? The janitor has to pick that out.
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This was what made me respect the Funny Damn Right I Am A Bears Fan Now And Forever Shirt absolute hell out of my manager. He saw that. It was the most meaningful conversation I have ever had with a manager. I got the sense that he really wants to see his employees succeed and grow. It gave me confidence in a moment in which I had none left. Working in a theater, I can tell you a good number of people treat the place as their personal dumping ground. And that’s apart from the people who make big messes and just skedaddle. I’m talking people who spill their XXL soda and just walk out. I’m had the pleasure of walking into a theater and finding 3 separate pools of vomit.
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