Now things are looser; moreover, than that Funny Chucks And Pearls Shirt Matching Mom Daughter Shirt, journalism often goes with what sells the most papers/tv viewing or what the specific news outlet believes its primary target audience wants to hear. But even without all that, many Americans regard certain outlets as all 100% telling a certain narrative, and if that narrative doesn’t match their view of the world, it must be wrong. All I can say at this point is we have a very large portion of the country who are less educated and not educated at all coupled with appalling healthcare/mental health care in which they’ve settled into such an existence that their twisted view on reality overtakes actual, genuine, hard, truth.
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They died for a country that elected Trump, maybe that’s why Funny Chucks And Pearls Shirt Matching Mom Daughter Shirts he called them losers. Exactly. A narcissist has no place being commander in chief. Deny denying deny! It’s not like their viewers look anywhere else. Donald lies, lies & lies. We the people vote him out. No more reality tv for our fifty stars. Don deserves to get kicked in the nuts 12 hrs a day 7 days a week. The worst part of all of this for Trump is that it all definitely sounds like something he’d say. Notice how no one is defending it by saying “well, that just doesn’t sound like Donald Trump. Speaks volumes.
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