This wave of allegations have caused a massive ripple effect in the destiny community. Entire clans got exposed as being racist, dosing and cheating, and sexual harassment. When I first read about it, the tweet I read said Destiny stream. So I immediately went to the DTG sub to learn more. When there was zero talk of it I thought it was the Female Veteran My Silence Doesn’t Mean I Agree With You Shirt. Same. I was honestly just dumbfounded considering what is allowed to be posted there daily. Not to mention there are actual news articles being written about this shit at this point. This is important and DTG is literally the most influential place in the world for Destiny related stuff. Stuff in there has literally dictated the shape the game takes.
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It’s really disillusioning. Yea, the only thread about it wasn’t made by the mods, and it had a lot of people arguing and debating instead of just listening to the message of the post, it was deleted by mods, and they made some vague pinned post about it. I’m mainly just happy that all the major d2 content creators united. And made videos about this Female Veteran My Silence Doesn’t Mean I Agree With You Shirt. But it was super disappointing that the mods made basically no reference to these events and most likely deleted all reference on the sub. I’d been following the r/squared-circle wildness since it started, but was unaware it had spread so far beyond our cruddy little corner of the internet.
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Wild to see the Starcraft 2 community embroiled as well. I haven’t followed the scene in many years, but yikes. Good to see Avilo is still an unrepentant scumbag. Another incident that is likely spurred by this round of #SpeakingOut is a prominent. And popular artist of Magic the Gathering named Noah Bradley confessed to being a sexual predator in a Twitter post this Female Veteran My Silence Doesn’t Mean I Agree With You Shirt. Wizards of the Coast announced they will be cutting ties, won’t be selling any items that feature his artwork, and will no longer use him for card art after the most recent images commissioned see print in February of 2021. There’s also a streamer management group called OPG.
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