- The very wealthy benefit from all the services our tax dollars Excited Just Need Cats And Wine 2 Shirt pay for, pay their non-family members like trash, and never pay taxes themselves set the bar so low for the office of the President. We will be tripping over it for Excited Just Need Cats And Wine 2 Shirt decades. The bar is set 6 feet under. All one needs to do to succeed as the next president is to just walk over it. Not if you demand better. We need more people to demand better. It’s also interesting the timing of this and his previous campaign manager, Brad Parscale’s, breakdown yesterday. So what ended up happening to Parscale? I honestly believe that this changes nothing of people’s feelings and ideas. If anything, this is just another example of the ability to navigate and profit from a system that the people who support him always wanted to see attacked, to begin with. In one week’s time, no one will remember any of this if the massive inequality of wealth. And political agency remains unaddressed by the opposition.
- They have invested so much of themselves in this man. That they can’t possibly change their minds now, even if the entire mythology crumbles and he’s standing there wearing the emperor’s clothes. I’m always interested in what supporters honestly believe. It’s always an Excited Just Need Cats And Wine 2 Shirt very honest analysis and is never a desperate attempt to influence people. The very existence of the whole QAnon thing is pretty revealing of the extent that people will go to in order to preserve the mythology. The fact that you need to frame what I said as veiled support ends up supporting my argument more than you seem to realize. My guess is that he committed massive fraud and they found out. So he had a mental breakdown. He suddenly realized that he’d helped elect. Police called my wife, the danger of self-harm, suicidal. He was threatening to harm himself, his wife called the police, the police arrested him. Blamed the Democrats for pushing him to this. He is in a care facility.
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- Biden wishes him well and commiserated that politics is a hard Excited Just Need Cats And Wine 2 Shirt occupation sometimes. Yup. Involuntarily committed. Yeah. I don’t like him, but I do feel sorry for him. Yes. There’s another large thread in the News or Politics subreddit. Here is an Amused 4 Father Day Fishing Cool Shirt News subreddit posting with 5k replies. Politics keeps deleting all posts about this story He tried to commit suicide. He holed himself in his home with a gun, supposedly was threatening to kill himself, and was taken in on the equivalent of a 5150 hold. If you look at the comments when tweets, his supporters are saying he’s smart for avoiding federal taxes. To those saying that this has nothing to do with because he was just following tax law. Wouldn’t it be nice if he were in some position of power that could lead to changes to the tax law? The fact that you need to frame what I said as veiled support ends up supporting my argument more than you seem to realize.
- And next the affiliated messaging will shift to saying that it’s both “a lie” and also somehow totally alright. Just look at the show going on in r/conservative. They are saying that it’s completely OK to not pay any taxes. He wasn’t following the tax laws though. This is plain fraud. Safe to Excited Just Need Cats And Wine 2 Shirt assume so based on his history! AND this is only what reported to the IRS – not an investigation into whether or not its truthful or complete. His supporters don’t see that. Idk if you’ve gone to Facebook comments yet but so what, it’s all legal loopholes is the main argument. Even if it’s all legal loopholes, banks don’t lend 400 million dollars to people that drive their businesses into the ground. This is either bank fraud or tax fraud. Or the more likely scenario an egregious combination of the two. This is when you hit them with Well Biden’s going to raise taxes on anyone making over 400k/year, that should be something you agree with.
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