I know it’s a Cute Mickey Mouse 7th Grade Class Of 2020 Quarantined Vintage Shirt. But the gases used in WWI caused less than 1% of deaths. But it was so horrifying they banned their use in freaking warfare the best they could. Death by them was so painful, and surviving them caused a lifetime of pain and scarring, with typically a shorter lifespan, as well as affecting the environment/wildlife the same. Mustard gas, for example, caused blistering in your entire breathing tract, esophagus, lungs, and mouth.
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It caused blisters to form on exposed skin that was extremely painful and often disfiguring. It could literally change your DNA if exposed to Cute Mickey Mouse 7th Grade Class Of 2020 Quarantined Vintage Shirt. I think the movies we see and the context of the war makes these look scarier than they are. For the time, these probably looked cute compared to the normal masks. It looks scary with the context of the war and how old black and white photos look creepy to us. Yeah, I agree, it shouldn’t be here.
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Its whole point is to help kids deal with the potential horrors of war, that’s not a Cute Mickey Mouse 7th Grade Class Of 2020 Quarantined Vintage Shirt. And for the time I’m sure many kids would love these over the normal masks. My father, who was a kid during WW2, told me, how scared he was when his father tried a gas mask the first time at the beginning of the bombings. It literally traumatized him and he was still moved by the anxiety he felt as a kid when remembering this situation decades later.
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