That is the craziest, wackiest, most insane thing I have ever heard! She is bat-shit crazy!! Thank God she didn’t kill you! She obviously planned on it. Did Dan really kill himself?! Did you ever get to speak to him to tell him everything she had done? I am so very sorry you had to deal with the Cute Hippie Girl Let’s Take A Trip Shirt! Yes, she is bat-shit crazy. Yes, I obviously think she planned on killing me, but the police said that it wouldn’t be attempted murder unless she actually shot me. They said they could have arrested her on felony intimidation if she came back, but she never did and then I moved. No Dan did not really kill himself. I spent 7 years believing that he did. He tried but thankfully wasn’t successful.
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Many, many years later I tried to contact him on Facebook but never heard back from him. It was apparently a horrible time in his life and I haven’t bothered him since because I don’t want to pick at an old wound. I wouldn’t put it past her to make a Cute Hippie Girl Let’s Take A Trip Shirt. Just seems like a new version of the bullshit she pulled with the cell phones back in the day. That happened to me. Found out it was some crazy woman I had met a couple of times that was convinced I was having an affair with her husband. Whom I did not know. At all. Damn OP I woke up to go pee and ended up staying up for 45 minutes stuck on this thread! That was such a well-written story, and so fucken interesting.
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I’m sorry you went thru this but I’m so happy you made it out alive to tell the story! Your brave as hell girl you need to make this shit a movie. I was invested from the moment I started reading. Right there with you, though I had plenty of time to read before bed. Guess I’ll be going into work tired tomorrow. Thanks for telling your story, if only to prevent others from repeatedly thinking. “Things like this only happen on tv, it can’t be real”. You seem like a nice person and I hope you stay safe. This is crazy. That girl is a full-fledged psychopath….so glad you got out of that situation ok. I mean she clearly has a Cute Hippie Girl Let’s Take A Trip Shirt. Just coincidences by any law officer with a brain and more than one person willing to help prove it.
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