Coming off a great year like Cute Friends Tv Show Version Jokers Team Playing Poker Shirt. 2018 was so disappointing. I was disappointed with a lot of the films Hollywood put out. Even a lot of indie films didn’t really excite me as much as 2017 did. That’s not to say that 2018 didn’t have any great movies (even the worst years will always have great films). But the lack of excitement in regards to the Oscar nominees this year pretty much sums up my feelings of 2018 as a whole. Of course. These are just my feelings. I’m sure there are plenty of people who thought 2017 was a bad year vice-versa.
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That’s what I thought of last year’s crop of Cute Friends Tv Show Version Jokers Team Playing Poker Shirt. I live in Peru, I’d honestly say it was on the weaker end. We had Deadpool 2 which was fantastic, Into the Spiderverse which was actually a masterpiece, and Infinity War which was the culmination of a decade’s worth of work. Black Panther was pretty good (excluding that godawful CGI in the final fight) but there were just too many big hitters. You should absolutely check out Spider-Verse, it’s very distinct not just among superhero movies but animated movies in general.
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To be fair, I haven’t yet seen Spiderverse. But I preferred BP to Cute Friends Tv Show Version Jokers Team Playing Poker Shirt and far more than Deadpool 2 personally. Some occasionally spotty CGI aside. BP had more personality to it than any Marvel film since GOTG. And is one of the few for me that feels like the vision of a director and not an assembly line. I had some cool moments and I appreciate the scope of it all. But it’s still more of the same thing from Marvel (tho Thanos was pretty great) and Deadpool 2 was in one ear and out the other for me. Heard great things about Spiderverse tho!
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