You don’t get to Coronavirus Ruined My Lacrosse Season COVID-19 Shirt vote anymore. For Wisconsin’s primary today, Milwaukee only has 5/180 of their polling places open, and the Supreme Court ruled yesterday that mail-in ballots postmarked after today wouldn’t be counted, even though because of mailing delays, heaps of people haven’t even received their mail-in ballots yet. So apparently an election that heaps of people can’t vote in is valid? At that point, it’s hardly a leap to “all polling places are closed due to the virus; vote by mail”, and “we’d better send ballots to Republican areas first; we’ll get to sending them to the Democrat areas at the last minute”.
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Lord knows the fact Trump couldn’t find his own asshole without both hands, a Coronavirus Ruined My Lacrosse Season COVID-19 Shirt map, and Lindsey Graham tickling the destination isn’t helping… but this isn’t a ‘war’. Be calm when the unthinkable arrives. Modern tyranny is terror management. When the terrorist attack comes, remember that authoritarians exploit such events in order to consolidate power. Never forget: the GOP represents the minority of voters. If we had more of an actual democracy where voters didn’t have their votes suppressed simply because they live in a populated area, we could stop them.
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But he won’t kick them all out, anyway. Despite the tough talk he needs them and their audiences to Coronavirus Ruined My Lacrosse Season COVID-19 Shirt give him maximum attention and air time every day. He can’t not make the biggest story on earth right now all about him and his emotions towards the media. Out of morbid curiosity I will watch their primetime broadcasts every now and then. Then immediate cut to commercial or the next segment which is right back to the crazy propaganda.
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