This election comes down to one simple question for us, do you Cool Rock Paper Scissors Thoat Punch I Win Blue Cat Shirt care more about your second amendment rights or the democracy we live in. If Trump wins there will never be another fair election, I promise you that and would bet my life savings on it. If you believe that the 2nd is more important than the right to vote then go ahead and pick your poison, but to me, one is clearly worse than the other. I respectfully disagree, especially when they burn down innocent small businesses. There must be a better way. Also, and separately, rioters/looters burned down the businesses. This may shock you, but protestors rioter/looters.
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Agreed, same. I am also anti-communist. Neither communism nor Cool Rock Paper Scissors Thoat Punch I Win Blue Cat Shirts fascism has any place in this country. I don’t waste my energy on these types of arguments. You won’t change my mind and I won’t change yours, not that I even care to in the first place. Seriously, this. And it isn’t right-leaning to say so either. Seeya to your AR. Democrats promise, and we don’t have any reason to doubt that given the chance, that’s exactly what Blue’s going to do. So enjoy your AR, your AK, your FAL your whatever, because they’re all going NFA Title II BEST CASE if Blue wins.
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