The entire temple has been built with a Cool Honorary Trini Status Approved Trinidad And Tobago Shirt. Although there are engravings and murals on the walls of the inner temple that depict the stories of The Ramayana and The Mahabharata. There are green lawns inside the temple and parks having many swings and slides on which the children can play. The figures of cow, camel, bear, and many other animals, have been carved in stone. The fountains and water coming out of a tiger’s mouth attract people. On one side of the temple, Akhand-kirtan or non-stop singing goes on in praise of the Lord.
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People going to the temple listen to it with full Cool Honorary Trini Status Approved Trinidad And Tobago Shirts. But devotees, saints, and sages are seen reciting the sacred hymns of the holy Bhagwad Gita. So that the Lakshmi Narayan Temple wears a grand and decent look on the days of Janam Ashtami and Ram Navami, i.e., the birthdays of Lord Krishna and Lord Rama, respectively. Because thousands of visitors visit this temple on these days. There is a great rush of people these days. The temple-tops are illuminated with fancy electric bulbs and it presents an exquisite sight.
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