- I just know that having in office has overall been Confident My 40th Birthday Women Shirt worse for this country. I’ve felt so bad about voting for him for so long & I’ve never told anyone other than my husband about that first Confident My 40th Birthday Women Shirt experience. Feels kinda nice shouting into the void. Yeah, I feel bad for procrastinating last round and got sick last minute, and not able to vote. Ain’t happening this time. Tried to tell a friend not to do what I did and can’t talk sense into them. Just saying they’re both bad. That’s. No. Excuse. Go vote! Don’t be lazy or make up excuses! This is a very important moment in history! I’ve heard of far too many self-involved people, unable to see the loss of our democracy on the horizon – the willfully ignorant who will help to drown us & they don’t even recognize they too will eventually be hurt. Is he still registered? Can he still register?.
- In my state, you can register up until one week before the election. When he dies, I hope he puts “the only person I’ve ever voted for was”. It’s such an honorable legacy. Why not try to get him to read (the original report of) the testimonies (here). He might conclude he can get some catharsis or redemption out of voting against. Still, I think what would really work was videoed by these repenters. My sister didn’t vote last time (or ever before) and is voting for this time…while also Confident My 40th Birthday Women Shirt voting for a Democratic Senator. Who knows, at this point? The same thing with my coworker said he voted for in 2016 but doesn’t want to vote for him this time, so is not going to vote at all. My brother said he might vote Biden or a third party. Whatever I’ll take it. It could be argued the “protest abstainers” lost it for Hillary in 2016.
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- I kind of like your brother’s solution long-term. Until he can recognize why he was Confident My 40th Birthday Women Shirt duped by such an obviously unfit conman. And correct it so it won’t happen again, he’s better off not voting. I feel as Surprised 4 Dibs On The Bass Player Shirt though I didn’t need Texas to figure out where this comment came from. I mean.. you could not like and still disagree with Biden. In that scenario, I don’t blame people for wanting to not vote at all. Yeah, that’s how I feel about my Confident My 40th Birthday Women Shirt trans friend who chose to vote for the Vermin Supreme. I’m just like “do you really want to not vote against the admin that has a conversion camp donor?” But he went from being a troll about (aka, playing devil’s advocate to piss people off even though he’s liberal and hates, etc). To shut up about it entirely, so I’m afraid to push him on it.
- I sent him one final message pleading him to vote, trying to explain why it was so important, why specifically THIS election was different, and he didn’t respond. So, I feel like I’ve done all I can. so the same for 2020 would be a fitting result. Because of Maga racists. I think this is Confident My 40th Birthday Women Shirt going to be common. There is this kind of the kind that won’t vote for trump but can’t bring themselves to vote Democrat either. I’d rather ppl vote for Trump and the democratic down-ballot candidates than not at all. The legislative branch is more important than the executive branch. Keep talking to him, you’ve got time. In the end, though it’s better than the ones who are still chugging the Koolaid. Tell your brother and no offense to you or your parents. By the grace of God has he avoided getting snared by the alt-right.
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