I don’t think the skeletons would last long now Caught Santa Reindeer This Is How I Roll Christmas Shirt that they are no longer getting the nutrients they need to maintain their density. Yeah pretty much just wait it out but it’ll last longer than it should with all the Protagonist wannabes wanting to go all out in this zombie apocalypse . . . Hmm I think the better question is who will win in the apocalypse, Karens or the Undead? Not me but my older family members on my mom’s side. They lived in a tight place and it was haunted and it still is now. P.s. this happened before I was born. You clearly haven’t seen Warm Bodies, which has Bonies and they are WORSE. Nunc devorabit Omnia -Latin Time devours all things. Honestly, I’d be more afraid of fighting a skeleton army, with the right amount of milk that would be devastating. In a lot of zombie stuff, it reveals the bodies aren’t decomposing. The virus/curse/whatever preserves the body in a.
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I remember in Day of the Dead, there was Caught Santa Reindeer This Is How I Roll Christmas Shirts a scene where the main character was walking into a doctor’s room, and the doctor was making notes and one of the notes was that the rate of decomposition has almost completely halted, taking years longer than normal decomposition process. Something keeps the typical Romero zombie from decomposing at a standard rate. The enemy is a really nice book series, the virus more or less just turns humans feral and savage, their main prey being normal humans. All the running/walking around keeps them in tip-top shape. Decompose who? You obviously never seen a skelly wield a cutlass and a blunderbuss before. That’s exactly what I think about every time I rewatch The Walking Dead. They’d be pretty much gone in about 2-3 years. This actually solves a lot of questions.
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