It may have been an in a rut or protecting a Caribou Coffee Helping Me Survive Quarantine Coronavirus Shirt herd. Maybe it felt like it couldn’t run away for whatever reason. Usually a large prey animal will risk facing off a single predator if they can’t run or something nearby makes them want to stay. The caribou bluffed, and lost. Those bears ate good that night! I don’t understand why the caribou didn’t just run away. I feel like it could have outran the bear, also momma bear wouldn’t go very far from her cubs anyway. Are they capable of outrunning a bear? honest question since all I know is bears are fucking fast for their size. Jesus.
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Can they be saddled and “broken” like a horse? Not even sure if I’m using the Caribou Coffee Helping Me Survive Quarantine Coronavirus Shirt term correctly. Yeah! They can and were used as mounts as well as beast of burdens. Again, not as popular as many other animals, say a horse. But back before animal transport across the world was made easy, you worked with what was available. Has anyone other than Santa Claus attempted to domesticate them for uses similar to those of horses?
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Nope. The Russians and other European groups have but the Caribou Coffee Helping Me Survive Quarantine Coronavirus Shirt natives in the North American region didn’t domesticate them. There was an attempt to help them do so that kinda flopped unfortunately. She wouldn’t feel the need to defend cubs from a caribou. She’s hunting caribou or the calves. My guess is the caribou was likely defending her calf from the bear. Don’t large herbivores often charge at predators to scare them off? Might be the caribou just got too comfortable with chasing off bears. I don’t think it realized it was matched up against the Gracie BJJ Mama Grizzly.
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