Zombies never frightened Better Mitch Please Shirt me. They don’t have fangs and unlike the movies, it is implausible that they could do any real damage to a living human. Have you ever tried to eat a raw t bone steak without a knife? Good luck. Zombies as a whole, are worthless unless you are an evil overlord and need cheap labor. I saw something, where they all froze in the winter too walking corpses, is scary until you realize how delicate they are hahaha If zombies are decomposing, why are they not literally swarm with flies and maggots? They would make short work of their wife had surgery on her thumb. There was a minor deviation of blood flow (inside the thumb). A week later her tendon snapped due to the minor change of blood flow through the tissue, causing her thumb to not bend in one direction anymore.
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If a tiny change in blood flow in a living person Better Mitch Please Shirts can cause your tendons and muscles to break, total removal of blood flow should remove all movement in the body within a week (or maybe just days). Even if the zombie was “alive” nothing would happen fairly quickly. Canonically, with the movies and books and TV shows, it seems whatever thing that turned them also seems to slow decay (the dead in Romero’s NotLD universe seem to have stuck around for years). Maybe whatever animates them and takes over has antibacterial properties… The Carrie Ryan series (Forest of Hands and Teeth, et al) has different classes. The fast ones run until the wheels come off, infecting as many as possible until they pretty much fall apart from unrepairable tissue damage from going full tilt. In actuality – once the brain began decomposing the zombies would cease to have any motor functions.
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