TIL Scientists discovered sharks that are living in an Awesome Shark Yoga Shirt active underwater volcano. Divers cannot investigate because they would get burns from the acidity and heat. I highly recommend not looking up ANYTHING about the game. Discovery and exploration are the main draws of the game, and looking anything up will ruin the surprises. It is not exactly a “horror” game. But it’s terrifying if you get really into it. Build a base, explore, live. But who knows what lurks in the deep? Finally made it way down there. It was so stressful I logged out and my sub is still way under at 1400 meters or something been playing through in it in VR despite being terrified of deep murky water. Finally made it way down there. It was so stressful I logged out and my sub is still way under at 1400 meters or something
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It requires a lot of an Awesome Shark Yoga Shirt collectible material, titanium, to build in-game after the blueprint for it has been unlocked. You do? I’ve never used the propulsion cannon. I dropped this in the sub a while back while I was building it. It’s hard to get a good screenshot because of the draw distance in the game, and the fact that the tunnel curves and has a bunch of bulkheads for support running out of lithium and needing reinforcement. The kelp growing by the reef has plenty of silicone for bulkhead doors. Also, I assumed a reaper leviathan would start attacking my base at any moment during the construction, and I wanted to keep things non-flooded. It made me feel safer would say watch it. It’s so surreal that it’s beyond words. It’s literally based on the director’s kid’s dreams so it makes almost no cohesive sense. I’ve technically seen worse movies, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie that nonsensical or batshit insane.
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Mine got an Awesome Shark Yoga Shirt water toy that sings and swims when the metal contacts touch the water. It’s great cause long after bath time some moisture in there will randomly make it sing the first few words over and over. When alien life forms invade the earth, they will kidnap this species of the shark back to their planets. FOr what, I don’t know but I’d assume they would provide something vital. Purposefully leaving an uninvestigated ecosystem to itself and not involving humans in any way would be cool IMO. Inside a volcano? What does that mean? I’d understand “living right next to an underwater volcano”. I tried to read the article but I got a pop up demanding my email address to continue reading so I didn’t read it. Have the scientists tried talking to everyone in town? I bet one of them gives an obvious clue as to where they can find the plot item that will let them enter the underwater volcano.
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