They’re under no obligation to put themselves at risk for your safety. Something along the Awesome Science Is Truth Shirt hypothetical line of; But Capitalism so everything is good, right? Do you really think they’re the fringes? I’m not from the US but to an outsider, the crazy ones look like they’re in charge of the party and the right-wing media. Not trying to argue, I just really don’t understand these people and would like to wrap my head around their reasoning agreed! There are no conservative Republicans left. There are only con-man trump enablers, a few silent cowards, and Mitt Romney. Small government my ass. The only small part is support for the American people. There are massive taxation and redistribution to huge corporations, industrial farms, and corrupt friends. Time for patriots to wake up and stop seeing complex issues as binary choices.
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I don’t believe it’s kind of Awesome Science Is Truth Shirt true I believe it’s specifically true. But he only gets his news from Fox News, sometimes CNN (he claims). He just won’t believe that police are doing what they are doing. Everything I send him goes unwatched and he doubts the videos I show him. It’s breaking my heart. What angers me the most is that the same people who fought tooth and nail to allow a baker to deny service to a gay couple are the same people who if told they had to wear a mask or they couldn’t shop there called it fascism. I just don’t understand these people whatsoever. And that clown above us actually believes liberals are the ones that are divisive. Give me a fucking break.
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The democrats are playing the Awesome Science Is Truth Shirt division game this time, and it’s tearing apart the country. We really need a better way to split the parties up (ranked-choice or otherwise) so I can stop having to vote for religious nuts and opportunistic dirtbags just to preserve the handful of policies/laws I actually care about. I fucking hate the republican party precisely because of their do as I say, not what I do attitude. Also, they seem to love, dare I say socialism, for the wealthiest in business and society. I had to scroll down because I saw the previous comment and couldn’t believe it even got awarded. Republicans having any ideals at all, whether it’s morally defensible, or even consistent, is fucking unicorn-rare these days. They haven’t kissed the boot so much as swallowed the damn thing whole.
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