Gregory McMichael was outside at his son’s Satilla Drive home when he saw Arbery running down the street, he told police. He ran inside, armed himself, and told his son to grab an Awesome Rest In Power George Floyd Shirt gun, Gregory McMichael told police. A lot of murders like this are deemed justified. It’s happened before and the result was legislation that prohibited the open carry of loaded firearms. Seriously, if you are running down the street and someone jumps out of a car pointing a gun at you I think it’s pretty logical that you might try to defend yourself from random guy pointing a gun at you.
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He said they cut him off (second time because they missed the first time) and he attacked them. But in the Awesome Rest In Power George Floyd Shirt video, you see the jogger jump into a yard to go around the truck and the man with a shotgun runs out to cut him off. They had no right to detain him either, so it’s not a citizen’s arrest. He was avoiding a kidnapping. You cannot just hold someone until the police arrive because “I think he might have committed a crime.” There has to be a crime. They for sure do. They think when he attacks them it proves they were acting in self-defense. Except they started the altercation in the first place.
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At some point during all this, Gregory McMichael was outside at his son’s Satilla Drive home when he saw Arbery running down the Awesome Rest In Power George Floyd Shirt street, he told police. He ran inside, armed himself, and told his son to grab a gun, Gregory McMichael told police. He said they had seen Arbery on surveillance cameras. Arbery died at the scene. Yeah I mean it’s ultimately a power fantasy. For many of them (like everyone) life is confusing and sometimes scary so a black-and-white ‘he is the criminal and I am the just hero’ fantasy is very appealing. It goes real, real deep in American culture, the idea of the independent, morally-right gunslinger vs the evil, irredeemable criminal. As a socialist, I’m 100% pro-gun which is why it’s worrying when you realize truly how many right-wingers are like this and are heavily armed.
Other products: Premium Stop Killing Black People Shirt