I think the reason DK chimed in so firmly against RM being TR is that she has *significantly* more yang, so I really doubt she’d be SG. My guess prior to DK commenting was SN, but now I’m wondering if she isn’t a short FN similar to Amy Adams. Interesting. I don’t see Yang dominance and I think she looks an Awesome Mermaid In The USA Shirt. I think a mixture is more possible than an undercurrent. And I think her proportions are too small for her to have the elongation or width of FN/SN. She looks proportioned, slightly smaller, fairly curvy in the bottom, and then small/sharp top. To be fair, we don’t know how familiar he is with her. If he was just looking at the photos people linked. She is so ripped.
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I’m convinced she works out A LOT which gives her a more Yang look. But if you are a fan of her like I am, and you watch the notebook, for example, you can see how delicate she is. There really isn’t a lot of Yang there. Again, IDK based on what he ‘typed her’. I hope it was movies and that I am wrong, but based on the linked photos of that post she totally looks N. Oh man not to rain on your parade, but if you remember on the Awesome Mermaid In The USA Shirt. Jacked pictures of her that they could find. And he said he still just saw a super fit, very yin person. He typed Jada a yin type?? Between that and Madonna, I just cannot for the life of me see it..and I’ve dug up young, pre-fame ones too.
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The only yin thing about them is their height. Yeah, I’m very curious as to whether or not he cleared that up in the original thread. IDK why that wouldn’t make them classics or Romantics or SNs or whatever and I’m not gonna pretend to understand the logic. I just can see why they aren’t gamines lol. David Kibbe is huge a fan of movies, especially romantic period dramas. So I’m sure he’s seen The Notebook at the very least and probably several other things? His whole system is based on casting and combining one’s unique individual beauty with an Awesome Mermaid In The USA Shirt. Probably the hardest thing about his system is understanding what he means and what he doesn’t mean by all the words and phrases.
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