That’s one of the caveats of entering the Awesome Man Of God Shirt Information Age. There’s no option of ‘burning all records’ and writing your own history. It’s just physically impossible due to the way information travels now. The Russians basically use “Organized Proxies for Execration” or APEs from Neil Stephenson’s The Fall. It doesn’t matter if it’s true only that it gets a reaction. You also might be interested in William S. Burrows ideas about using information noise to affect people’s thinking. Part of why he did what he did was his exposure to the beginnings of PR through his uncle.
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That is exactly right. Many people have busy lives and count on local news for information. Truth went out the Awesome Man Of God Shirt door after the demise of the Fairness Doctrine in the ’80s because we “needed” 24/7 news channels. Money wins every time. And destroy it through convincing your followers it isn’t true. Not even offering evidence to prove it isn’t true, apparently just saying it isn’t true works for our orange leader It probably helps when you’ve been defunding education, avoiding instilling critical thinking in curriculum, disparaging higher education as “liberal elite underwater basket weaving brainwashing facilities”, and keeping your supporters as fuck stupid as possible for decades. It’s literally the opposite of becoming informed. I truly believe we have passed into a new age, the Disinformation Age.
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Whether it is Russian/American style chaos and gaslighting, or Chinese style crackdowns and censorship, we are all in the Awesome Man Of God Shirt crosshairs. Not every society has yet succumbed but eventually, these techniques will become ubiquitous. They provide a massive power imbalance, making it so much easier to be a bad actor than a defender of the truth. I guess we all hope that what we are seeing now is a phase, a bad time that we will break out of. I think we’re thrashing around in a tar pit and we aren’t going to make it out. One good election, one righteous government, or taking down one bad company won’t do it. This is a fire we can’t put out. This is like the dawn of the nuclear age. No one will choose to put down these tools, once unlocked.
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