Was drinking a hot cup of coffee on the Awesome Love Hands Sunflower Weed Shirt back porch while throwing a ball for my dog…To be fair it was like 4 am and the pup wasn’t hurt, but my favorite mug got rearranged and the tree got some dirty bean water… I did something similar. My dog drops his ball in his dish before coming in. Usually, I toss his ball then fill his dish in the morning. After a long night with a sick child, I stepped out, looked in the bowl, and flung his breakfast scoop into the yard. I do this all the time. Then I’ll have to go sorting through the piles. This is the most boring story I’ve ever told Reddit. For me, it’s shelling shrimp. After years in kitchens making Cajun food I have to have the shell bowl under my right hand and the clean shrimp bowl under my left because my hands will just do what they do without any input from me.
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Before coffee fugue is an Awesome Love Hands Sunflower Weed Shirt real problem. The other day I tore open a packet of sweetener, almost poured it in the trash. Took milk out of the fridge. Got coffee in the mug successfully. I went to put milk in the fridge without pouring any, realized. Opened it and almost poured milk into the bottom shelves of the fridge. I once picked up my toothbrush and then instead of picking up toothpaste I picked up a tube of cortisone. Luckily caught me. I also once picked up a razor instead of a toothbrush and just stared at it. Just imagine someone standing facing away from the sink, angling their glass of water downwards and just staring at the stream of water hitting the floor. Mom has done the same but poured the glass of water into a dog cage my cat was chilling in. Cat didn’t move but stared at her like “what the fuck?”. ETA: Thanks so much for my first gold! And it had previously spent several days in the back of a freezer because of a similar incident.
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My husband cleans the Awesome Love Hands Sunflower Weed Shirt cat litterbox and puts the gleanings in a tied-off plastic grocery bag. He also puts his lunch in a tied-off plastic grocery bag. When he goes to work he takes both bags outside, one to come with him and one for the trash can. Mistakes have happened. I was writing an essay last minute on the train to school, I usually did it on my phone but I didn’t have time to go print it so I had to write it on paper. I stared at it for a solid 2 minutes before realizing how fucking stupid I was. This was my brother, but I was on the receiving end. We were at a country club for a wedding one evening and there were various backgammon games set up. This happened so long ago I don’t even remember how to play backgammon anymore. But it was my brother’s turn and he was excited. So excited he slammed his glass of bourbon down on the game board and thrust the dice cup full of dice into his mouth. Totally worth being covered in the water down liquor to witness such buffoonery.
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